What Is Preventing You From Speaking The Truth?

It was once claimed by Mahatma Gandhi, “There is no God higher than the truth.” Do we, however, communicate the truth? Do we really share our deepest feelings with those who are closest to us? We frequently hold the opinion that sometimes speaking the truth can cause harm to others. Does it mean we shouldn’t say it? Speaking the truth might be difficult in daily life, the business, or the household. Most of the time, we are hindered by our fear of harming our loved ones. How many of us verbalize our emotions? What could possibly go wrong if you tell the truth? Should I say it or not?

The best way to solve this conundrum would be to give all of us some insight into the worst that could happen if you tell the truth. Certainly, the last point strikes a nerve!

Factors that prevent us from declaring our feelings:

Feelings could be harmed.
Yes! They should and they will! You should correct someone who harms you by speaking the truth if they are a family member or friend. In the long term, it will be advantageous for them and even for your relationship. Thus, don’t be afraid to offend people’s feelings and speak your mind in a humble manner.

Losing the connection
Humans are terrified of losing the people that matter most to us, whether it’s our mother, sister, boyfriend, or husband. Not everyone will share your ideals, and they may leave you as a result. But it’s all right. You deserve better individuals since those who can’t handle the truth have a history of repeatedly lying and will continue to damage your feelings.

Obtaining a Fierce Response
Do you fear a violent response? If someone values their wrath more than the truth and their feelings, it will happen. You should stay away from drama and violent people for a tranquil life. Simply saying it will make you feel better.

Telling the truth strengthens relationships, among other advantages.
For relationships to succeed, they must be realistic. What would you do if your spouse had injured you by flirting with someone or if your brother had lied to your father? Will you remain silent to keep your relationship intact? Not at all, please. Just stating your case will strengthen your relationship. How? It’s easy. They’ll recognize your argument and believe you care. In the first scenario, your partner will become aware of how they wronged you and can begin to mend. Your brother, on the other hand, will realize the importance of being truthful and the wider picture so that he can have a better connection with your father. The situation benefits everyone, right?

Reduces stress and anxiety
You need to say hundreds of lies in order to hide one. Why subject yourself to that much stress? Just be honest, and all the tension and stress it’s causing will go away.

Builds confidence
You’ll notice a difference in your confidence level if you never lie and always pick the truth. Possibly even others will notice it. Yet, it undoubtedly lifts a big burden off your shoulders, and you are no longer forced to hide behind lies. Your spirit will be lifted by it.

Aids in gaining respect and trust
Who are you going to trust more? who is more likely to lie frequently or speak the truth up front? We believe it to be the latter. For a while, you might disagree with them or even detest them, but in the end, you know you can trust them, and the respect just grows.

How to Do It Well Speak your mind.
Avert Using an Accusatory Tone
Decoding the proper manner to communicate the truth is the most difficult element of speaking the truth. At all costs, avoid using an accusatory tone. Breathe deeply, then structure your phrase so that it is more explicative than accusing. Keep in mind that you don’t have to argue to make your point.

Be compassionate
Speak it to yourself first before saying it out loud. First, hear the truth and assess how it sounds. Does it seem impolite? At all costs, reframe, and show a little compassion for the person. Even though they realize their lie is wrong, they may have injured you with it. You will always succeed and be able to express yourself more effectively if you are sympathetic.

Avoid becoming defensive
Choose the virtuous path if the person disputes what they did or gets combative. Avoid arguing or defending yourself. The other person will get the impression that you are trying to find a solution and not placing blame. After hearing what they have to say, respond.

Accept the response and let it go.
No matter how they respond, just tell them the truth and keep going. Let it go if they accept it and offer an apology. And even then, let go, even if they become violent and cut all relationships as a result of the truth. True pleasure is letting go and accepting oneself.

Rephrased from an article by by Shivangi Singh