I Got A Little Closer To God While Getting A Haircut at Great Clips

Great Clips may seem like an unlikely place to have a religious experience. And while it wasn’t like I was filled with the Holy Spirit or started speaking in tongues, my conversation with my stylist was enlightening. I really think she clarified a few things for me.

I’m one of those people who struggles with understanding the concept of God. I ask too many questions for one thing. And sometimes when I think I’m close to getting it, the next day I’m back to square one. The one thing that is consistent is my thirst for truth as it relates to things spiritual.

On my way to Great Clips I was thinking about the usual stuff that I wonder about. Am I living the life as I should be? What is my purpose? Am I making the right decisions? Am I a good person? And how can I be better? All that, and a lot more, sits under the umbrella of my questions about God. Contemplating these subjects is not a studious thing for me. By that I mean that I don’t take it all too seriously. I somehow don’t really expect to find many answers. So my mood is generally upbeat and lighthearted rather than contemplative.

I was feeling pretty good when I sat in the chair at Great Clips.

My stylist was an older Asian-American lady who wasn’t shy. That was a good thing because I had a few questions. I always do. I’m curious about how people see the world. What their beliefs are and their thoughts about life in general. Now I don’t suddenly blurt out philosophical or ultimate issue questions. I just ask them about their lives and then see where it goes. Generally, people like talking about themselves and I’m an interested listener. This lady really enjoyed talking about her life and sharing her perspective. Jackpot!

She shared with me how she goes to church three times a week and has a strong belief in God. So I asked her what she thought happens when we die. Luckily she knew. We go back to God. That’s where we came from, she said, and that’s where we return.

I obviously came to the right place. She had answers. So I asked her, what is our mission here on earth? To be good examples, she explained. We are to do good things, to help others and not to do evil. We will have a happy afterlife if we do good. And if we don’t, it’s very bad. She explained that she wanted to go to heaven so she tries to be the best person that she can be.

So, in less than 20 minutes I got what I believe to be an honest perspective on life from the Great Clips lady. Where do we come from? God. What happens when we die? We go back to God. What’s our mission? To be good ambassadors of God. To do good. Suddenly the world made sense to me. If only for a while.

And she gave me a pretty good haircut too. Maybe just a little too short in the front, but good.